Cashmachine is it a do-it-yourself device ?

Yes. Because your webcashmotor (or cashmachine device) is a web_self_founded account. Then, webmatic, cashkeeping-linked and webcashfishing for free, your economic life is going up for ever.

Is your cash machine (it means your Webcashmotor) a googlewareadd ?

- depending of yours preferences, because the self_commons_space 4G3W it's a free and personal_people_webspace.

Is my webcashmotor a very complex cash machine ?

- not at all, your personal webcashmotor will appear over your screen : look often your communication device.

Is it very expensive for me ?

- oh...the social science is an economic free&amp ; 

  freedom Web2.0, nobody pay nothing, no prices, no costs.

Do you said that the classic bank money is "Kaput" like the Classical Economy is ?

- yeah, you understand me very soon and 5/5.

May I make online my own webcashmotor 4G3W ?

- yes,
just ask GoogleSearch "I-do-mark-my-money